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The St. Pius X Parochial School (SPXPS) stands as a monument of the collaborative effort of the parents especially those who are living within its vicinity. The school is located beside the Parish Church which covers an area of 1,145 sq.m. situated at the Fabie Subdivison in the 5th District of Paco, Manila. The school is owned by the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Manila (RCAM) under the supervision of its Educational System (RCAM-ES) and so a member of Manila Ecclesiastical Province School System Association (MAPSA).

The school was constructed with great zeal and by the love of Jaime Cardinal L. Sin, the Archbishop of Manila to the children of the parish of St. Pius X: The parishioners, especially the parents joined hands and cooperated to start the construction of the school. The dream school gradually rose through the contribution of the parishioners and by real estate loan which was applied by the late Rev. Fr. Ernesto T. Tobilio who was then the Parish Priest. The school was founded on January 21, 1984. Nursery and Kindergarten pupils were already studying in this school two years before it has been founded. The school was formally on operation during the School Year 1983-1984. The school personnel then were a school principal, an administrative officer, a guidance counselor and four classroom teachers. Ms. Marivic Dinio was the first Principal and Rev. Fr. Ernesto T. Tobillo was the School Director. The courses offered were Nursery, Kindergarten, Grades I - lV. The S.Y. 1984-1985 was ushered in. There was an increase of four teachers. Grades V-VI, First and Second Years of the High School were added to the course offerings. The Department of Education Culture and Sports (DECS) issued a permit to operate the Nursery, Kindergarten, and Grades I to VI but not the high school as the requirements to open the First Year and second Year of the Secondary Education were not met.

Ms. Baceliza M. Pascual was appointed on May 16, 1986 to take over the position of the School Principal. Rev. Fr. Manuel G. Nery was then the School Director. There were eight classroom teachers, one clerk and one janitor. There were no more administrative officer and guidance counselor. Renewal permits were applied for the courses that were being offered and corresponding permits were issued. Within the School Year 1986 1987, the school applied for government recognition of the courses that were on operation. On May 13, 1987 the Department of Education, Culture and Sports issued Government Recognition No. 0001 s. 1987 for Nursery and Kindergarten courses and No. 0003 s. 1987 for complete Elementary Course. Msgr. Rogelio E. Abasolo took over as the School Director on September 10, I987. He managed the school until November 30, 1989. He was then transferred to the Parish of San Roque, Blumentritt, Manila. Rev. Fr. Wilfredo C. Talavera was appointed to take over as Parish Priest and the School Director at the same time. He had the Library improved and school canteen remodeled. A guardhouse was constructed beside the school building with two Security Guards on post (day and night shift). The room of the principal and the cashier was partitioned. Now the school has the Office of the Director, Office of the Principal, Faculty Room and Office of the Treasurer. A big stage fronting the school was erected.

In the year 2000, Rev. Fr. Percival P. De Vera, took over as the School Director until 2003. It was during his term when the office of administration, faculty room, library and canteen were renovated. Also the waiting shed was added in the physical plant.

In school year 2002 2003, Paco Catholic extended its assistance to SPXPS, thereby sending its Principal Mr. Juanito H. De Vivar as Academic Administrator and at the same time School principal.

In March 15, 2003, Rev. Fr. Sanny C. De Claro was appointed Parish Priest and Director of the School. During his management and with the assistance of Mr. De Vivar the teachers had been given additional benefits, also the school building and classrooms were repainted.

In less than a year, Fr. Sanny was transferred to the Parish of Nuestra Senora De Guia at Ermita, Manila, and was replaced by Rev. Fr. Lincoln N. Carabaña as the School Director and the Parish Priest on May 1, 2004.

On years that the private schools experienced a decline of enrolment, the Board of Trustees decided that small parochial schools like SPXPS be linked and clustered with a big school. In June 2012, the Archbishop of Manila, Most Rev. Luis Antonio G. Tagle, has appointed the School Director of Paco Catholic School (PCS) in the person of Rev. Msgr. Rolando R. dela Cruz to guide and manage the SPXPS together with another small school the Holy Family Parochial School (HFPS) in San Andres Bukid, Manila.

When Rev. Fr. Leo Angelo S. Ignacio was appointed Parish Priest of St. Pius X Parish in September 19, 2012, he was then called to assist in the academic supervision of the two small schools as their School Principal. The improvement of school facilities was immediately put into action. In SY 2013-2014, SPXPS started adopting K-12 Curriculum and working in progress as to survive the challenges the school is facing.

Another landmark in the history of SPXPS is the clustering of RCAM-ES schools as mandated by His Eminence Most Rev. Luis Antonio G. Tagle. Hence, in SY 2014 -2015, the school is blessed with the spiritual leadership of the cluster 1 & 7 new Director Rev. Father Maxell Lowell S. Aranilla, the Assistant Director, Rev. Father Rany Geraldino, the Finance Officer, Mr. Celestino Javier, and a full-time principal, Mrs. Ofelia A. Mampusti. In November 07, 2014, Mrs. Marlyn M . Beramida, has been appointed as School Principal by Rev. Fr. Lowell Maxell C. Aranilla. Hence, as the school celebrates its 31st founding anniversary, the newly appointed principal, Mr. Paolo S. Quiñones and the school community look forward to positive changes: better, bigger and much improved quality of education and services for SPXPS stakeholders.

To God be the glory!

ST. PIUS X PAROCHIAL SCHOOL Vision / Mission/ Objectives

A people called by the Father in Jesus Christ to become a community of persons with fullness of life witnessing to the kingdom of God by living the paschal mystery in the power of the Holy Spirit with Mary as a companion.

We, St. Pius X Parochial School Community, envision ourselves centered on the Holy Eucharist, providing quality Catholic Education, developing all aspects of life and social awareness in molding young students by the supervision of competent teachers and administrators.

To appreciate the Holy Eucharist, to achieve academic excellence and mold responsible young leaders rooted in the life of Jesus Christ and our Holy Mother, Mary.

Core Values

  • Eucharistic Spirituality – to lived out the experience of communion, that is, God is with us and we are brothers and sisters in faith.

  • Service Oriented - to care in a special way for those who are most in need

  • Excellence - to do our best in everything we do with the help of God

  • Christian Leadership - to be responsible in maintaining and using wisely the gifts that God has bestowed.

St. Pius X Parochial School Logo

The CIRCLE Lining stands For the Unity of the School with the Parish where it belongs. The RAYS from the Torch signifies sharing the Christian Faith to the Community. The OPEN BOOK symbolizes the Knowledge that the school imparts to the academic community; and the wisdom inspired by the Word of God. The TORCH is the Foundation who is Jesus Christ, the Light of the world. The RULE to live by: “Instaurare Omnia in Christo” watchword of the late pope which means "To restore all things in Christ” - to bring the human race, every Christian Family back to the reign of Christ. The PATRON St. Pius X: as young Giuseppe. He was a good and pious boy who never strayed from the practice of religion. Lively, intelligent and willing to serve, these are qualities modelled by our Patron.



(Himig Pampaaralan)
Lapat ng Tugtog: Fr. Nestor Alagbate
Lapat ng Titik: Fr. Willy C. Talavera

Patrong San Pio Desimo
Eukaristiya’y itinanghal
Ama ng kabataan,
Ama ng mahihirap,
Ama ng kalahatan

Patrong San Pio Desimo
Santo Papa ng Simbahan
Sa Bayan ng Riese isinilang
Bansang Italya’y
Lupang tinubuan

Patrong San Pio Desimo
Hiling nami’y pakikinggan
Paaralan nami’y basbasan
St. Pius x Parochial School, ang Pangalan
Alma Mater na tunay
Alma Mater naming mahal.